We believe Northwest Minnesota offers boundless opportunities.
We champion ideas that stabilize and strengthen our communities.

Let’s work together
Find the pathway for you. From grants, loans, and scholarships to business consulting and local giving, we’re here to guide and support donors and recipients alike.
Need our help? Let’s talk.

For Donors
We’re here to guide your every step as you leave a legacy that will support generations to come.

For Grantees
With a dedicated focus on keeping Northwest Minnesota strong, every neighbor plays a role in the future of our region.

For Businesses
Making your business strong makes our whole community stronger. Gain mentorship, connections, and resources.
Where we help

Child Care
Seeking innovative, sustainable solutions to unique child care needs in the community.

Children & Families
Supporting Tribal leaders in building youth confidence for the future of our region.

Ending Homelessness
Building better lives in Northwest Minnesota with an improved homelessness response system.

Leading and supporting collaborative efforts to add housing capacity in the region.

Community Revitalization
Investing in rural communities to help them achieve their full potential.
News & Ideas
Learn more about the ways we’re working in the community.
Welcoming Communities grant round now open
NMF now accepting grant applications to promote equity-focused welcoming and inclusion initiatives, leading to more welcoming communities in our region.
Scholarship Spotlight: Ashtin Fredrickson
Ashtin Fredrickson, a graduate of Lafayette High School, earned the Kris Fontaine Memorial Scholarship.
Lead for Inclusion and NMF partner on sensory kit
To promote greater inclusion, Lead for Inclusion has partnered with Northwest Minnesota Foundation (NMF) to offer a sensory kit foster more inclusive spaces at community events.