Northwest Minnesota Continuum of Care
The Northwest Minnesota Continuum of Care (NWCoC) is a regional planning body of representative stakeholders designed to promote a shared commitment to the goal of ending homelessness.

Joining the effort
Broad participation is needed to provide input on the creation, implementation, and evaluation of local and regional plans to prevent and end homelessness. Working together, we can do more!

Member CoC Resources
For details on joining the Northwest Minnesota Continuum of Care, and information for existing NWCoC members, visit this resource page.
Working collaboratively to amplify results
In consultation with people who have experienced homelessness, community members across 12 counties and 3 tribal nations are working together cooperatively to help people get services sooner, and that can make all the difference. That’s why NMF is focused on this approach to preventing and ending homelessness.
Disparity is a significant issue for the whole region
The racial disparities within the homeless response system are striking. Currently, African American, Indigenous, Latinx (o)(a), and households of color experience homelessness at a rate that is 7 to 8 times higher than their representation within the general population. In 2020, nearly 72% of chronically homeless youth in Northwest Minnesota were Indigenous.
These statistics indicate that these disparities are a significant issue, relevant to the whole regional population, not just individuals who identify as indigenous.
Are you homeless or at risk of being homeless?
Providers in your county of residence are there to help. Check out the current listing of Access, Assessment & Housing Sites in Northwest Minnesota to get help today.