Grant opportunities
As a force and resource for Northwest Minnesota, we champion ideas that stabilize and strengthen our communities. We are focused on projects that align with our mission to build better lives throughout our region.
Available grant funding
NMF has open grants rounds through our mission-driven grants programs, as well as local funds in our family of funds. NMF is home to more than 430 community and component funds, many of which offer grant funding for groups and organizations to benefit their local communities.
Information and applications available
Below you will find details and links on the grant opportunities that are currently accepting applications.
Open grants
NMF provides the following listing of grant opportunities offered through our family of funds, as well as own discretionary grants.
update on Promise Act grants, round 2!
*** More details coming soon! ***
Northwest Minnesota Foundation has been preparing to launch the second/final round of the PROMISE Act Grant application. We recently received notification from Minnesota Department of Employment and Economic Development (DEED) instructing us to pause our work on the second round, until DEED provides further guidance on eligibility criteria.
Unfortunately, this means we are unable to open the grant round on our original timeline of mid-September.
We will share an updated timeline once we know more.
Other resources
Beyond our grant openings, we would encourage you to learn more about the programs, loan opportunities, resources, and staff at NMF who are here to help you.
If your needs don’t fit the criteria of our grant openings, be sure to check out these other possible funding opportunities: