Scholarship committee
Thank you, neighbor, for contributing your time and energy to support our greatest resource – our future generations. You are making a positive impact on our community.

The process

Review applications
Each scholarship committee will have a unique process for accomplishing this crucial step. Some committees will access applications through our online scholarship portal while others may review printed hard-copy applications. If your committee does use our online scholarship portal but you personally would prefer to print off the applications, please view this guide for step-by-step instructions on how to do so.
Whatever your process, take the time to review the applications carefully and give all applicants equal consideration.

Make a final decision
Each committee will also have its own preferred way to reach a final decision, perhaps going strictly by score or meeting in person to come to agreement. Whatever process is used, be sure that the decision is final before moving to the next step.

Let NMF know your decision!
Fill out the Scholarship Recommendation Form and send that to NMF so we can continue the process of awarding the scholarship(s) to the deserving student(s).

Notifying awardees
Students are informed of their awards in one of two ways: in-person at their school’s senior awards banquets or via letter from NMF.
While both options serve a needed purpose, we strongly encourage committees to send a representative to the school’s awards event to announce the awardees in person. Your hard work becomes very real and very personal when you meet an awardee face to face and see the scholarship’s impact in their smile and gratitude.

Students receive award the following December
Scholarship awards are distributed directly to the student’s college or university following their first semester. Students will have to first provide proof of their successful completion of their first semester with a cumulative grade point of 2.00 “C” average or higher and proof of their enrollment for the second semester.
Rarely, a student will request a deferral. This could be due to a number of circumstances, such as delaying college or getting lower-than-needed grades in their first semester. While NMF allows for the option of deferrals in specific circumstances, the ultimate decision as to whether to grant the deferral lies strictly with the scholarship committee. For details on this process, please reach out to NMF staff.
Let us help you help others!
We have a number of tools to assist you throughout the process of awarding scholarships.