People, Places, Possibilities
We are celebrating our neighbors who are building better lives in Northwest Minnesota. From community volunteers to business and organizational leaders to donors investing in our future, we wish to recognize those who partnership is vital in making a real and lasting change in our region.

NMF Giving Circles
Circle of Leadership
Lifetime gifts of $1,000,000 or more
- Richard Hebert
- Arnold F. Lund, Sr.
- William S. and Margaret W. Marvin
- Jane B. and Arthur I. Snustad
Circle of Community Champions
Lifetime gifts of $500,000 or more
- H.C. Bill and Jessie Baer
- Joe and Amy Cass
- George W. Neilson Foundation
- Mark and Peggy Hewitt
- Sam and Peg Johnson
- Susan I. Marvin
- Bob Naylor
- Eldor and Stella Omdahl
Circle of Vision
Lifetime gifts of $100,000 or more
- Maggi Adams
- Gene and Mary Aho
- Bemidji Area Library Foundation
- David and Linda Bergeron
- Ara M. Bursch
- Kevin and Ann Cease
- Citizens State Bank of Roseau
- Crookston Blue Line Club
- Jess and Wanda Dishman
- Frances Drivold
- Lyle H. Engelstad
- Engelstad Family Foundation
- Sam and Jane Evans
- Fertile Lions
- First National Bank Bemidji
- Robert F. and Marian Foley
- Kris Fontaine Memorial Scholarship Fund
- Orin and Marjorie Green
- Estate of Gaylord A. Gunderson
- Estate of John and Faye Hedin
- The Hellekson Family/Courage North
- Merril Thiel and Ruth Howe
- Estate of Esther Instebo
- Eleanor and Russell Jeske
- Dorrance H. Johnson
- Mary and Robert Johnson
- Robert C. and Mona Rae Johnson
- Paul and Gloria Kaste
- Leonard J. and Rosemond Kucera
- Anita “Neen” Lillquist – Neen’s Future in Space Scholarship
- Estate of Lois Ludwig
- Joseph and Janice Lueken Foundation
- Mississippi Headwaters Blood Bank
- Frank and Margaret Marvin
- Jake Marvin
- The Marvin Companies
- Tom and Marilyn Miller
- Chan Moon
- Estate of Betty Murray
- Norman County Historical Society
- Keith and Eva Olson
- Otter Tail Power Company Foundation
- Polaris Foundation
- Polaris Industries
- Elsie Semrau
- Dannette Smith
- Jim Stordahl
- Estate of Charles Swanson
- Phil and Gloria Thompson
- LuVerne Trogstad
- Ole and Ruth Tweet
- Red Lake Band of Chippewa Indians
- Red Lake Gaming Enterprises
- Red River Valley Development Association
- Sanford Health
- Security Bank USA
- Sons of Norway Vinland Lodge 1-193
- Employees of TEAM Industries
- TEAM Foundation
- John and Mavis Wahlberg
- Wells Fargo Foundation
- White Earth Nation
Circle of Generosity
Lifetime gifts of $25,000 or more
- AgCountry Farm Credit Services – Fargo Office
- Agricultural Utilization Research Institute
- Dennis Aguiar
- Larry and Diane Altringer
- American Crystal Sugar Company
- Arvig
- Jay and Lin Backstrom
- City of Badger
- Bagley ISD #162
- Beltrami County
- Beltrami Electric Cooperative, Inc.
- Bemidji All School Reunion
- Bemidji Area Take a Kid Fishing
- Bemidji Curling Club
- Bemidji Downtown Alliance
- Big Sand Lake Association
- Big Valley 4-H Cluster Fair, Inc.
- Bluestem Fund of the Minneapolis Foundation
- Border Bank of Badger
- Border Bank of Greenbush
- Kevin and Renee Brauer
- Bremer Bank of Crookston
- Bremer Bank of Warren
- Charles H. Casey and Barbara Muesing
- Central Boiler, Inc.
- Cheryl and Ken Ellegard Foundation
- Marilyn Chruszch
- City of Greenbush
- Clearbrook-Gonvick ISD #2311
- CoBank
- Russell and Inez Coenen
- City of Crookston
- Crookston ISD #593
- Susan Dearholt
- Delta Dental of Minnesota Foundation
- Jean Dickinson
- Dondelinger Foundation
- Allan and Judy Dragseth
- Byron and Carolyn Eeg
- Emma Howe Memorial Foundation
- Falls Citizens Scholarship Foundation
- First Care Medical Services Foundation
- First National Agency Bagley, Inc.
- First National Bank of Bemidji
- Marcia Folland
- Friends of Itasca State Park
- Friends of Rydell and Glacial Ridge Refuges Association
- Mike and Connie Gasper
- Grace Lake Watershed Improvement Association
- Granite Equity Partners, LLC
- Greenbush Community Partners
- Kenneth and Cathy Jo Gunvalson
- The Guthrie Theater
- Ila Hagen
- Dinah Heneman
- Leslie and Patricia Howard
- Hubbard County COLA
- Hubbard County Historical Society
- Hugo’s
- Shawn Hunstad
- Jon Isackson
- Carolyn F. Jacobs
- John Jensen
- Jeff Johnson
- John and Carole Johnson
- Joseph Urdahl Memorial Foundation
- Karlstad Eagles Aerie No. 3486
- Garth and Colleen Kaste
- Kinship of the Park Rapids Area
- Kittson Memorial Hospital Association
- Mary Jo Klinger
- Knife River Materials
- Labine Family Fund
- Jay LaBine
- Lake of the Woods County
- LePier Oil Co.
- Andrea LeVasseur
- LOW Historical Society
- Mahnomen ISD #432
- Minnesota Title and Abstract Co.
- Minnkota Power Cooperative, Inc.
- Mississippi Headwaters Audubon Society Inc
- MN Wheat Research and Promotions Council
- Craig and Linda Morgan
- Rae Murray
- National Indian Gaming Association
- William and Eloise Nelson
- North Country Snowmobile Club
- Holly Olson
- ONEOK, Inc
- John and Eloise Ostrem
- Park Rapids Education & Activities Foundation
- Paul Bunyan Communications
- Franklyn and Winnie Pelawa
- Wilson and Lynn Persinger
- Dwight and Kathy Peterson
- Gary and Patty Purath
- Red Lake County
- Red River Valley Christian Camping Association
- Patrick Riley and Natalie Roholt
- RiverView Healthcare Association
- City of Roseau
- Roseau Area Friends of the Library, Inc.
- Roseau County
- Roseau Eagles Auxiliary
- Roseau Rams Hockey Association
- Roseau Realty Co., Inc.
- Stuart and Susan Rosselet
- Rotary Club of Bemidji
- Rotary Club of Thief River Falls
- Kim Rue
- Rural Cellular Corporation
- Sand Hill Settlement Historical Society
- Sanford Bagley Medical Center
- St. Mary’s Mission School
- Stephen American Legion Post 390
- Stoltman Farms
- Donald and Ellen Strickler
- David and Susan Sumner
- Thief River Falls Area Community Theater
- Thief River Falls Rotary Club
- Ultima Bank Minnesota
- United Valley Bank of Mahnomen
- University of Minnesota – Crookston
- University of Minnesota Foundation
- Upper Red Lake Area Assocation
- Veterans Memorial North Country Detachment #585
- West Polk County FSA Office
- Win-E-Mac Alumni Association
- Women’s Foundation of Minnesota
- Douglas and Robyn Wonnenberg
- Younggren Farms
- John Younggren
Circle of Belonging
Lifetime gifts of $10,000 or more
- Affinity Plus Federal Credit Union
- Altru Health System
- American Crystal Sugar Company of Crookston
- American Federal Bank of Crookston
- American Legion #27
- American Legion Post #16
- American Legion Post 14
- American Legion Post 88 Gambling Fund
- Earl and Janice Anderson Family
- Michael and Jeanie Andringa
- James and Cathy Atkins
- Bad Axe Lake Association
- John Baer
- Bagley Rotary Club
- Charles and Gayle Baxter
- Beito Foundation
- Bemidji Area Shooters Assn Inc
- Bemidji Chorale, Inc.
- Bemidji Jaycees
- Bemidji Parks & Trails
- Bemidji Veterinary Hospital, Inc.
- Jennifer Benjamin
- Paul and Jody Benshoof
- Connie and Norm Berg
- Helen Bergland
- BGMR Volleyball
- Jeffrey and Sandra Bjorkman
- Blessed Sacrament Church
- Border Bank of Roseau
- Kenneth and Arnette Borowicz
- Robin and Karen Brekken
- Brost Chevrolet, Inc.
- C & M Ford Sales, Inc.
- Calgary Flames Hockey Club
- Bob and Becky Cameron
- James Cameron
- Wesley and Ruth Cameron
- Shannon and Julie Carlson
- City of Bemidji Parks & Recreation
- City of Fosston
- Mark Claussen
- Clearwater County Historical Society
- Clearwater Health Services Aux
- Clearwater-Polk Electric Cooperative
- Coca-Cola Bottling Company of Bemidji
- Crookston Figure Skating Club
- Crookston Implement Company
- Crookston National Bank
- Crookston Valley Cooperative, Inc.
- Crookston Youth Basketball Association
- Crown Holdings LLC
- Dave Cuperus and Stephanie Cuperus
- Dahlgren & Company, Inc.
- James and Janet Dale
- Les Dale
- Stephen M. Dale
- Francis and Colene DeBoer
- Dee, Inc.
- Deerwood Bank
- Delta Kappa Gamma Mu Chapter
- Dessert Family Charitable Fund
- Don Diedrich
- Tony Diffley
- Paul and Jodi Dragseth
- Darlene Dvorak
- East Polk Heritage Center
- Jack and Audrey Eickhof
- Elmo Foundation
- Enbridge Energy Partners, L.P.-Corporate
- Exposure Marketing & Promotion
- Dr. Bruce D. Falk and Mary Jo Falk
- Cam and Jan Fanfulik
- Mark Farabee
- Farmers Union Oil Co of Oslo, Warren and Argyle
- City of Fertile
- Fertile Fire Fighters Relief Association
- Fertile-Beltrami Public School
- First National Bank of Bagley
- First National Bank of Walker
- First State Bank of Bigfork
- Kyle Fodness
- Robert and Mary Foley
- Foss Architecture & Interiors
- Fosston Independent School Dist #601
- Frandsen Bank & Trust
- Fredrikson-Ganje Funeral Home
- Diane and Lyle Fuchs
- Garfield Lake Ice Racers Club, Inc.
- Dorothy Gehrke
- Giziibii Resource Conservation & Development Assn
- John and Danielle Golden
- GoldPine Home Beltrami, Inc.
- Gourmet House
- Granite Partners Foundation
- Timothy Graupman
- Greenbush American Legion Post #88
- Greenbush Women of Today
- Bryan and Victoria Grove
- Grygla/Gatzke Independent School Dist #447
- Dan and Audrey Haag
- Bruce and Aase Hamnes
- Ethel Hanson
- Harbott, Knutson, Larson & Holten, P.L.L.P.
- Hartz Foundation
- Evan Hazard
- Heartland Christian Academy
- Carter and Florence Hedeen
- Roger and RuthAnn Helgeson
- Helping Unify Bagley
- Faith and Neil Hensrud
- Pam Hetteen
- Higgins Heating, AC & Refrigeration, Inc
- Holland & Knight Charitable Foundation, Inc.
- Jody and Kenneth Horntvedt
- Hubbard County Parks and Recreation
- Calvin and Cleo Johannsen
- Dean and Sharon Johnson
- Paul Johnson
- Steven and Donna Johnson
- City of Karlstad
- Kaste Seed, Inc.
- Calvin and Janet Kehr
- Tom and Carol King
- Knights of Columbus Council #1544
- Kraus-Anderson Construction Company
- Jerry and Ginny Kruger
- Neil Kruger
- Franklin and Diane Labadie
- Lee LaBine
- Leech Lake Band of Ojibwe
- Janice Lenhart
- Michael and Sue Liapis
- Bernice Lindell
- Darrell Lindgren
- Susan Lisell
- Little Sand Lake Association
- Tim and Carrie Lundgren
- Mark T. and Christine Rustad Maassel Family Fund
- Madsen Family Charitable Fund
- Mahnomen Health Center
- Roger and Sandy Malm
- Catherine Marchand and Lewis Crenshaw
- Mardag Foundation
- Mark and Jean Larson Family Fund
- Markit County Grain, LLC
- Maureen and Paul Marvin
- Robert Marvin
- Mashantucket Pequot Tribal Nation
- Mattson Pharmacy, Inc.
- Paul and Susan McNelly
- MDU Resources Foundation
- Bruce and Elizabeth Meade
- Middle River Community Club
- Middle River Sportsmen’s Club Inc.
- Midwest Minnesota Community Dev Corp
- Dan and Jolene Mikkelson
- Steve and MaryAnn Miller
- MN State Advanced Manufacturing Center of Excellence
- Dave and Darlene Moland
- Naylor Heating & Refrigeration
- James Naylor
- Naytahwaush Night Riders Sno-Club
- Richard Nelson
- Curt Neumann
- Noah Insurance Service
- Peter and Laurie Nordquist
- Nortech Systems, Inc.
- North Central Chapter #7 Disabled American Veterans of MN
- North Star Electric Cooperative Inc
- Northern Roots Insurance Agency LLP
- Northland Community and Technical College
- Northwest Minnesota Arts Council
- Northwest Regional Library
- Robert and Phyllis Nowacki
- Greg and Beth Oja
- Keith and Missy Okeson
- Michael and Cynthia Olson
- Otter Tail Power Company Crookston
- Robert H. Paine and Tiffany Baer-Paine
- Tim and Kim Persson
- Dean Peterson
- Jean Peterson
- William and Carol Pierskalla
- Pinnacle Marketing Group
- Nick Plencner
- City of Plummer
- Polk County Recorder
- Potato Lake Association Inc.
- R & Q Trucking, Inc.
- Red Lake Falls Sportsman Club
- Red River State Bank
- Beatrice Ricke
- Darrell and Kim Rindy
- Roseau County Senior Medical Travel Program
- Roseau Fire Dept Relief Association
- Roseau Youth Hockey, Inc.
- Colleen and Gary Sacks
- Flavia Sagedahl
- Sanford Bemidji Medical Center
- Richard and Clarice Satterlund
- Nicholas and Amy Schaffer
- Gerald Schnabel
- Security State Bank of Warroad
- Shakopee Mdewakanton Sioux Community
- Shooting Star Casino
- Marty Sieve and Colleen Shannon
- Smith Charitable Fund
- Sovde Enterprises, Inc.
- Maurice and Carolyn Spangler
- St. Joseph’s Area Health Services
- Stephen Lions Club
- Daniel and Vicki Svedarsky
- Michael and Shannon Tangen
- Thief River Falls Public Schools ISD #564
- Mark Thorson
- Thrivent Financial for Lutherans-Lake of the Woods
- Titan Machinery
- Todavich Electric, Inc.
- Town of Sinnott
- Tri-Valley Opportunity Council Inc
- Caryl Turnow
- Christopher and Darla Twomey
- Ucare
- United Valley Bank
- United Valley Bank – Argyle
- University of Minnesota Twin Cities
- US Bank of East Grand Forks
- John and Janice Vallager
- Valley Med Flight, Inc.
- Valley Plains Equipment-Jamestown
- Larry and Linda Vatnsdal
- VFW Post 8754
- Rick and Nancy Vyskocil
- Walk to Remember
- Walmart Store #4244
- Warren Pharmacy, Inc.
- Warren Pony Booster
- Warroad Heritage Center
- Warroad Women of Today
- J.A. Wedum Foundation
- West Fraser
- Karen and Jim White
- Widseth Smith Nolting & Assoc., Inc
- Ziegler Cat
- Loren, Deb and Ron Zutz Joint Venture
Annual Circle of Giving
Annual gifts of $500 or more (specifically to the NMF Endowment)
- Alexander Adami
- Carol Amundson
- Kristin and Nathan Anderson
- Steven and Hollilynn Anderson
- Rick and Helga Bauerly Family Fund
- Bemidji Sports Centre
- Sarah Cronin
- Cory and Kelli Boushee
- Jason and Nicki Carlson
- Terri Darco
- Susan Dearholt
- Kristin Eggerling and Paul Blomquist
- Dawn and Michael Ganje
- Katie Gunderson
- Lynn Hoffman
- Ashley and Bradley Johnson
- Deane and Jill Johnson
- Frandsen Bank & Trust
- Goldman Sachs Chicago
- Granite Partners Foundation
- Nathaniel and Jamie Haskell
- Hillsboro Vets Club
- Carolyn F. Jacobs Culture and Humanity Fund
- Paul Kaste
- Knife River Materials
- Clayton and Ivy Knoshaug
- Philip and Heather Knutson
- Richard and Elizabeth Koshalek
- Shannon and James Jesme
- Catherine Marchand and Lewis Crenshaw
- Kelly and Jesse Martinka
- Timothy and Pam McCrory
- Midwest Minnesota Community Dev Corp
- Naylor Heating & Refrigeration
- Michael and Tracy Neusser
- North Country Snowmobile Club
- Missy and Keith Okeson
- John and Eloise Ostrem
- William and Carol Pierskalla
- Red Lake Band of Chippewa Indians
- Town of Sinnott
- Tabitha and Brent Steinmetz
- Margret and Robert Treuer
- Wagner Plumbing & Heating
- Bethany Wesley
- Karen and Jim White
- Jessica and Greg Yanish
- Rob and DeAnn Zavoral
Past Awardees
Ruth Edevold Awards of Excellence
- 1993: Florence Hedeen, Park Rapids — Excellence in Leadership
- 1993: North Country Food Bank, Crookston — Organizational Excellence
- 1993: Vivienne Christianson, East Grand Forks Senior Center — Individual Excellence in an Organization
- 1994: Elaine Haugen, Bemidji — Excellence in Leadership
- 1994: SELF, Crookston — Organizational Excellence
- 1994: Janice Upham, Thief River Falls Public Library — Individual Excellence in an Organization
- 1995: Donna Ulseth, Crookston — Excellence in Leadership
- 1995: Northwoods Coalition for Battered Women, Bemidji — Organizational Excellence
- 1995: Wayne Goeken, Agassiz Environmental Learning Center, Fertile — Individual Excellence in an Organization
- 1996: Liz Valdez, Crookston — Excellence in Leadership
- 1996: Lady Slipper Designs, Bemidji — Organizational Excellence
- 1996: Don Blooflat, Bagley DAC Co-op, Bagley — Individual Excellence in an Organization
- 1997: John Smith, Nevis — Excellence in Leadership
- 1997: Northern Lights Residence & Bookstore, Thief River Falls — Organizational Excellence
- 1997: Sue Liedl, Conflict Management Program, Bemidji — Individual Excellence in an Organization
- 1997: Headwaters RDC Workforce Development — Project Excellence
- 1998: Quentin Fairbanks, Hines — Excellence in Leadership
- 1998: Tri-Valley Opp. Council, Crookston — Organizational Excellence
- 1998: Pat Crummy, Argyle, Block Nurse Program, Argyle — Individual Excellence in an Organization
- 1998: East Grand Forks Flood Recovery Plan — Project Excellence
- 1999: Jan Delage, Crookston — Excellence in Leadership
- 1999: Kittson Memorial Health Care Center, Hallock — Organizational Excellence
- 1999: Dean Johnson, City of Mahnomen — Individual Excellence in an Organization
- 1999: Farm Crisis Response FarmWrap — Project Excellence
- 2000: Larry Roed, Fosston — Excellence in Leadership
- 2000: Headwaters Intervention Center, Park Rapids — Organizational Excellence
- 2000: Judy Moen, Project JobWrap, Climax — Individual Excellence in an Organization
- 2001: Willard Brunelle, Crookston — Excellence in Leadership
- 2001: City of East Grand Forks — Organizational Excellence
- 2001: Joyce Fadness, Project Kids, Baudette — Individual Excellence in an Organization
- 2001: FarmConnect — Project Excellence
- 2002: Nancy Carroll, Park Rapids — Excellence in Leadership
- 2002: Bemidji Area Council of Nonprofits — Organizational Excellence
- 2002: Tim Flathers, Headwaters RDC, Bemidji — Individual Excellence in an Organization
- 2002: Big Bog Recreation Area — Project Excellence
- 2003: Mary Ross, Roseau — Excellence in Leadership
- 2003: Northwest Community Action Program, Inc. — Organizational Excellence
- 2003: Miriam Buchanan, Greater Minnesota Management, Mentor — Individual Excellence in an Organization
- 2003: Family Preservation Project, Northwest Medical Center and Pennington County — Project Excellence
- 2004: Jeannine Windels, Crookston — Excellence in Leadership
- 2004: Occupational Development Center, Thief River Falls — Organizational Excellence
- 2004: Marge Donnell, Center of Human Environment — Individual Excellence in an Organization
- 2005: Mike Carroll, Park Rapids — Excellence in Leadership
- 2005: Mahnomen Care Center, Mahnomen — Organizational Excellence
- 2005: Patrick Lochwood, Evergreen House, Bemidji — — Individual Excellence in an Organization
- 2005: Fosston Community Library and Arts Center — Project Excellence
- 2006: Jo Bittner, Crookston – Excellence in Leadership
- 2006: INFOCON, Red Lake Falls — Organizational Excellence
- 2007: Robin Wold, Bemidji – Excellence in Leadership
- 2007: Mahube Community Council, Park Rapids — Organizational Excellence
- 2008: Steve Muzzy, Thief River Falls — Excellence in Leadership
- 2008: Wee Care Learning Center, Bagley — Organizational Excellence
- 2009: Steve Eickman, Park Rapids — Excellence in Leadership
- 2009: Ours to Serve House of Hospitality, Bemidji — Organizational Excellence
- 2010: Tina Peterson, Park Rapids — Excellence in Leadership
- 2011: Florence Hedeen, Park Rapids — Excellence in Leadership
- 2011: Kittson Memorial Health Care Center, Hallock — Organizational Excellence
- 2011: Sue Liedl, Bemidji — Individual Excellence in an Organization
- 2015: Denny DeMers, East Grand Forks — Excellence in Leadership
- 2015: Northern Access Dental Clinic, Bemidji — Organizational Excellence
- 2019: Ruth Sherman, CRC, Bemidji — Excellence in Leadership
- 2019: Catherine Johnson, ICCC, Oklee – Excellence in Leadership
- 2019: Northwest Indian Community Development Center, Bemidji — Organizational Excellence
- 2022: Barb Houg, Peacemaker Resources, Bemidji — Excellence in Leadership
- 2022: LifeCare Medical Center, Roseau — Organizational Excellence
- 2022: All Nations Rise / Indigenous Visioning — Organizational Excellence
- 2023: Laurie Buehler, Bemidji Community Table — Excellence in Leadership
- 2023: Violence intervention Project, Thief River Falls — Organizational Excellence
- 2024: Brenda Baumann, Warroad — Excellence in Leadership
- 2024: Alluma — Organizational Excellence
Community Compass awardees
- 2023: Agassiz Environmental Learning Center, Fertile
- 2023: Warren Area Living at Home Block Nurse Program, Warren
- 2023: Armory Arts & Events Center, Park Rapids
- 2024: North Country Food Bank
- 2024: Jeff Fagerstrom, Thief River Falls
- 2024: Deb McGregor, Bemidji
Quality of Place awardees
- 2006: MATTRACKS, Karlstad
- 2007: TEAM Industries, Bagley
- 2008: NW Mental Health, Crookston
- 2009: Ideal Aerosmith, East Grand Forks
- 2009: Jorge Prince, Northwest SBDC
- 2010: Dr. Kathy Annette, Indian Health Service
- 2010: Hubbard County COLA
- 2015: Schoolhouse Grocery, Gully
- 2015: Paul Bunyan Communications
- 2016: Peacemaker Resources, Bemidji
- 2016: Red River Valley Emerging Leadership
- 2016: City of Ada
- 2022: Bemidji Brewing
- 2022: Valley General Store, Halstad
- 2022: Gary Cares (Gary, Minnesota)
Community Philanthropy awardees
- Laporte Education Fund
- Northwest Minnesota Women’s Fund Advisory Committee
- LifeCare Health Care Fund (2009)
- Crookston Area Community Fund (2016)
- Stephen Area Endowment Fund (2017)
- Greenbush Area Community Fund (2022)
- Fertile-Beltrami Community Fund (2023)
- Fosston Education Foundation Fund (2024)
Our Team
- Deb Zak, Chair, Middle River
- Jason Carlson, Vice Chair, McIntosh
- Cheri Gunvalson, Secretary, Gonvick,
- Todd Beckel, Treasurer, Baudette
- Jill Johnson, Park Rapids
- Mike LaRoque, Waubun
- Connie Lindstrom, Hallock
- Michelle Paquin, Red Lake
- Bruce Reeves, Red Lake Falls
- Kristi Thorfinnson, Crookston
- Jack Swanson, Roseau
- Kristin Anderson
- Chris Bell
- Cory Boushee
- Brenda Bruggeman
- Megan Chavez
- Terri Darco
- Michelle Elting
- Tracy Filipi
- Dawn Ganje
- Katie Gunderson
- Shannon Jesme
- Ashley Johnson
- Barbara Johnson
- Chloe Keprios
- Philip Knutson
- Ahmed Latif
- Sarah Linda
- Kelly Martinka
- Mic McCrory
- Michael Neusser
- Missy Okeson
- Tabi Steinmetz
- Margret Treuer
- Bethany Wesley
- Karen White
- Jessica Yanish