NWCoC Resources
The Northwest Minnesota Continuum of Care is a regional planning body of representative stakeholders designed to promote a shared commitment to the goal of ending homelessness.
The following documents, links, and information are designed to support the work of our regional partners and those involved in the NWCoC.
2024 HUD CoCBuilds Notice of Funding Opportunity
Continuum of Care (CoC) Builds (CoCBuilds)
Notice of Funding Opportunity
Applications Due November 1, 2024
The Office of Special Needs Assistance (SNAPS) is excited to announce the opening of the CoCBuilds application process.
The Continuum of Care (CoC) Builds (CoCBuilds) NOFO will be to add new units of permanent supportive housing (PSH) for individuals and families experiencing homelessness through new construction, acquisition, or rehabilitation. The CoCBuilds NOFO outlines additional CoC Program eligible activities and costs that may be included in your application. Additionally, CoCs are encouraged to leverage funds provided for construction, acquisition, or rehabilitation of new PSH units with other funding sources to maximize the amount of housing that can be directed to meeting the needs of individuals and families experiencing homelessness.
Available Amounts
A total of $175,000,000 is available under this NOFO. Of this amount, up to $7 million is available for the Northwest Minnesota CoC region.
The CoC’s Collaborative Applicant (Northwest Minnesota Foundation), must submit the project application(s) through grants.gov.
- Applications are to be completed by the organization that will administer the funds and must be sent to the CoC’s Collaborative Applicant for review and submission.
- The application may include one or more subrecipients and we encourage collaborative efforts.
- Number of applications permitted by CoC:
- 1 application if there are no Tribes or Tribally Designated Housing Entities.
- 2 applications if the CoC includes Tribes or TDHEs where one application must be specifically for new PSH units on Tribal reservation or trust land and one application from a non-Tribe or TDHE.
Carefully review the CoCBuilds NOFO application and submission requirements.
Please reach out to Barbara at Barbaraj@nwmf.org with any questions.
CocBuiilds NOFO 2024
CoCBuilds NOFO 2024 (download .pdf)
Grants.gov webpage (Assistance Listing 14.267, Competition ID FR-6800-N-25A) Application requirements
Application Process | Due Date | Communication |
CoCBuilds NOFO Grant Preparation | ||
CoCBuilds NOFO Notice Released | 7.29.2024 | HUD release |
CoCBuilds Webinar: The purpose of the webinar is to highlight NOFO information and review the CoC Program information related to capital costs. | 8.14.2024 | https://intellor.webex.com/intellor/j.php?MTID=mf213dce9cb8c136d1b6504f6fdcda33a |
Letters of Intent Due | 8.28.2024 | Email Barbaraj@nwmf.org |
Applicant Proposals | ||
Applicants submit draft proposals for review | 11.1.2024 | Email Barbaraj@nwmf.org |
Review and Selection | ||
Rank & Review Committee will review and select 1 (2 if at lease one project is located on Tribal land) proposals to move forward. | 11.8.2024 | Email to applicants |
Submission | ||
Letter of Support from NWCoC Board Chair | 11.21.2024 | Provide to CoC Collaborative Applicant |
Final Application(s) submitted | 11.21.2024 | CoC Collaborative Applicant submits on Grants.gov |
2024 Notice of Funding Opportunity
The Northwest Minnesota Continuum of Care is now accepting applications for the 2024 annual Notice of Funding Opportunity for the CoC Program Competition.
The Northwest Minnesota Continuum of Care is now accepting applications for eligible renewal projects as listed on the 2024 Grant Inventory Worksheet and for new projects created through reallocation, CoC bonus, and/or DV bonus funding. Agencies who have not previously received CoC funding are encouraged to apply.
Eligible applicants include nonprofit organizations, governmental entities, and public housing agencies with projects aimed at addressing homelessness in the region. The Northwest Continuum of Care is required to hold a local CoC Program Competition to evaluate, select and rank all projects the NWCoC wants to include in the region’s national consolidated application to HUD.
2024 Local HUD NOFO Competition Dates:
- Intent to apply for Renewal Projects: May 15th, 2024
- Intent to apply for New Projects: June 26th, 2024
- All applications due: August 29th, 2024
- Applicants notified of recommended rankings: September 9th, 2024
- Deadline to appeal rankings: September 12th, 2024
- Final rankings posted: September 13th, 2024
- Final edits due in Esnaps: September 30th, 2024
- Collaborative Application submitted to HUD: October 23, 2024 (October 30th, 2024 actual deadline)
- 2024 Northwest Continuum of Care Local Program Competition
- Renewal Housing Project Application – Jotform
- Renewal Housing Project Application – PDF
- New Housing Project Application – Jotform
- New Housing Project Application – PDF
- HMIS/CES Application – Jotform
- HMIS/CES Application – PDF
If using PDF forms all applicants must submit the following to barbaraj@nwmf.org:
- application
- screenshot of System for Award Management (SAM)
- Housing First Assessment form
In addition, renewal projects must also submit the following to barbaraj@nwmf.org:
- ELOCCs report for last full funding cycle
- APR (Annual Performance Report)
Please note: If using Jotform, form does not allow for saving and returning to form at a later date.
Local Competition Project Resources and Documents
- FY 2024 and FY 2025 Continuum of Care Competition NOFO
- FOA Content
- 2024 Renewal Project Applicant Scorecard
- 2024 HMIS & CE Applicant Scorecard
- 2024 New Project Applicant Scorecard
- Northwest MN CoC Reallocation Policy – Final
- NWCoC Governance Charter
- NWCoC Administration Policy
- Special YHDP Activities
- NW CoC NOFO Appeal Process – Final
- NW CoC Housing First Policy – Final
- NWCoC Anti-Discrimination Policy
- NWCoC Competition Overview Webinar Slides
- NWCoC 2024 Grants Inventory Worksheet (GIW)
Application Process | Due Date | Communication |
2024-2025 NOFO Grant Preparation | ||
2024-2025 HUD NOFO Notice Released | HUD release | |
Applicant Proposals | ||
Local Competition Project Proposals Due | 8.29.2024 | Submit via Jotform or to Barbaraj@nwmf.org |
Rank & Review Process | ||
Rank & Review Committee Scores Applications | 9.6.2024 | |
Rank & Review Committee Meets to Determine Project Ranking and to Reallocate Project Funds if Needed. | 9.9.2024 | |
NWCoC Board Approves Recommended Ranking and Posts Draft to Website | 9.9.2024 | Public posting to www.nwmf.org and emailed to project applicants |
Rank & Review Committee Meets to Review Appeals to Ranking | 9.12.2024 | |
Final Ranking Posted to Website | 9.12.2024 | www.nwmf.org |
Submission | ||
Project Applicants Submit Application in Esnaps | 9.30.2024 | |
Collaborative Applicant Submits Collaborative Application to HUD | 10.23.2024 |
Final Submission
2023 Notice of Funding Opportunity
The Northwest Minnesota Continuum of Care is now accepting applications for the 2023 annual Notice of Funding Opportunity for the CoC Program Competition.
The Northwest Minnesota Continuum of Care is now accepting applications for eligible renewal projects as listed on the 2023 Grant Inventory Worksheet and for new projects created through reallocation, CoC bonus, and/or DV bonus funding. Agencies who have not previously received CoC funding are encouraged to apply.
Eligible applicants include nonprofit organizations, governmental entities, and public housing agencies with projects aimed at addressing homelessness in the region.
The Northwest Continuum of Care is required to hold a local CoC Program Competition to evaluate, select and rank all projects the NWCoC wants to include in the region’s national consolidated application to HUD.
Notification of Intent to Apply is due August 4th, 2023, and full project applications are due August 25th, 2023.
Total funding available through HUD is expected to be around $1.5 million for the Northwest Continuum of Care’s region.
Application materials:
- 2023 Annual NOFO Document
- Application Timeline and Detailed Instructions
- NWCoC Intent to Apply Form (Due August 4th, 2023)
- NWCoC Project Application (Due August 25th, 2023)
- NWCoC Reallocation Policy
- NWCoC Housing First Assessment
- NWCoC Housing First Policy
- NWCoC Anti-Discrimination Policy
- NWCoC Appeal Process
- Scoring Criteria
- 2023 Grant Inventory Worksheet (GIW)
NWCoC Member Resources
NWCoC Minutes and Executive Board Meeting Minutes
- NWCoC General Membership 1.2025 (coming soon)
- 9.19.24 GM Meeting
- 6.20.24 GM Meeting
- 3.21.24 GM Meeting
- NWCoC Executive 11-2024 (coming soon)
- NWCoC Executive 10-2024 (coming soon)
- NWCoC Executive 8-2024
- NWCoC Executive 7-2024
- NWCoC Executive 5-2024
- NWCoC Executive 4-2024
- NWCoC Executive 2-2024
- NWCoC Executive 1-2024
- NWCoC Executive 11-2023
- NWCoC Executive 11-2023
- NWCoC Executive 10-2023
- NWCoC Executive 8-2023
- NWCoC Executive 7-2023
- NWCoC Executive 5-2023
- NWCoC Executive 4-2023
- NWCoC Executive 2-2023
- NWCoC Executive 1-2023
Coordinated Entry
The Northwest Coordinated Entry System (CES) is not a program, but a way of providing service. Utilizing progressive engagement, CES provides multiple points for access and assessment, while maintaining standardized processes and tools to improve linkage to mainstream and homeless services.
In HUD’s vision, the coordinated entry process is an approach to coordination and management of a crisis response system’s resources that allows users to make consistent decisions from available information to efficiently and effectively connect people to interventions that will rapidly end their homelessness.
CES will help our CoC better identify, document and evaluate system needs, as well as prioritize limited resources, assuring those who are most in need of services are prioritized for services. The CES in the NWCoC serves at the Homelessness Response System to accomplish the goals of the NWCoC to end homelessness.
Coordinated entry is . . .
- A client centered and uniform process for improving system-wide entry and referrals.
- An intervention designed to provide more rapid and simplified access to housing.
- A system which prioritizes limited resources to those who need it most.
- A system using real-time and region-wide data to inform current and future services.
Approved Policy
NWCoC CES Procedure Manual
- NWCoC CES Procedure Manual
- Access and Assessment
- Prioritization and Placement
- Appendix A System Map
- Appendix B Training Access
- Appendix D Case Conferencing Outline
- Appendix F Referral Workflow Map
Agency & Staff Agreements
See Appendix B Training Access under “NWCoC CES Procedure Manual” for additional training information.
Please note: If you are completing this training to gain access to the NWCoC Coordinated Entry System, please contact the NWCoC Priority List Manager before starting the training.
1. The “Why”
This training will assist in understanding “why” we have a homeless response system and why we collaborate and work together across the region.
2. NWCoC Training Overview and Key Materials
This training will provide an overview of the training materials specific to the NWCoC Coordinated Entry System.
3. NWCoC System Overview
This training will provide an overview of the NWCoC Coordinated Entry System and the key phases of working with clients through the system.
4. NWCoC Overview of Forms
This training provides an overview of the forms used to collect assessment data for the NWCoC Coordinated Entry System.
5. Access and Assessment
This training provides in-depth and detailed instruction on the Access and Assessment phases of the Coordinated Entry System.
6. Prioritization and Placement (Referral)
This training provides an in-depth and detailed instruction on the Prioritization and Placement phases of the Coordinated Entry System.
7. Project Transfers, Moving On, and Waivers
This training provides information on project transfers, the CoC’s moving on procedures, and waivers from system requirements.
Additional Training
- NWCoC – PHA Emergency Housing Voucher Info Session Slides
- NWCOC – PHA Emergency Housing Voucher Info Session Video
HMIS CES webpage: https://www.hmismn.org/
For information about the HUD CES requirements click here.
Wilder Study 2018
Wilder Research has conducted a statewide study of homelessness since 1991.
The study is a point-in-time survey of people throughout the state who meet the federal definition of homelessness. It includes counts and estimates of the number of people who are homeless, and a survey of homeless people. The survey is conducted every three years on the last Thursday in October at emergency shelters, domestic violence shelters, transitional housing programs, social service agencies, encampments and abandoned buildings. About two-thirds of the interviews take place in the Twin Cities area.
The information gathered from the survey is the primary source of descriptive data on the causes and circumstances of people who become homeless and is the only source of data on homeless people not in some type of shelter. Findings are used to provide an accurate picture of homelessness in Minnesota and to promote efforts to create permanent, affordable housing for all Minnesotans.
The statewide survey grew out of a survey of homelessness first conducted in Saint Paul in 1984. Since its inception, the study has relied on the efforts of service providers, homeless advocates, government agency workers, and volunteers to successfully plan and conduct the face-to-face interviews. It is funded by a private-public partnership including the State of Minnesota and private foundations. We also receive help from corporations, who provide volunteers and in-kind donations.
A companion study is conducted on Minnesota’s American Indian reservations in partnership with several Minnesota tribes.
Point in Time Count
- MN HMIS Point in Time Count page
- HUD Point in Time Count page
- NWCoC 2025 PIT Information Slide Deck
- 2025 Short Survey
- Day One (Domestic Violence): 1-866-223-1111
- Veterans Registry:1-888-546-5838
- Veterans Registry Link
- Veterans Contacts
- PIT Data
- MN HMIS Point in Time Count Page
- HUD Point in Time Count Page
- NWCoC 2024 PIT Training
- NWCoC 2023 PIT Training Video
- Day One (Domestic Violence): 1-866-223-1111
- Veterans Registry:1-888-546-5838
- Veterans Registry link
- Veterans Contacts
- MN HMIS Point in Time Count Page
- NWCoC 2023 PIT Training
- NWCoC 2023 PIT Training Video
- Day One (Domestic Violence): 1-866-223-1111
- Veterans Registry:1-888-546-5838
- Veterans Registry link
- Veterans Contacts
Landlord Risk Mitigation Fund
Partnerships with landlords, tenants, and collaborative housing service providers is a crucial strategy toward ending youth homelessness.
Reducing the amount of time that a youth remains homeless is the primary goal of this program.
The Landlord Risk Mitigation Fund assists homeless youth under 25 years old who could be successfully housed by collaborating with housing service providers but are unable to find a landlord who is willing to rent to them due to their age and/or history.
The tenant agrees to additional education and oversite by the housing service provider in order to participate, and the landlord agrees to work with the tenant and housing service provider. In exchange, landlords are eligible to receive financial support in the event of property damage and/or lost rental income.
This program will serve youth and young adults that have experienced homelessness for up to two years.
to enroll tenants
Housing Service Providers interested in enrolling tenants/clients in this program should submit the following required forms to Margret Treuer, margret@nwmf.org